See what God can do
through your giving.

The word “tithe” literally means “tenth” or 10%. Tithing means giving ten percent of your income to God. We believe that all that we have or hope to have, comes from God. And so tithing is giving back to God what was His, to begin with. Tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything, and it teaches us to always put God first in our lives.



Faith Fellowship Baptist Church PO Box 1146 Fairfield 75840


If you prefer a more traditional way to give, we designate time each Sunday to receive an offering.


To give online simply click the button below. 

Investing in the Mission of Faith Fellowship.

Regular giving is a mark of a fully-developing follower of Jesus. Time and time again we see in Scripture the importance of giving generously to others and especially to the mission of Christ. We can’t think of a better cause to invest your time, talent, and finances into than that of building life-long followers of Jesus, here and around the world. Faith Fellowship asks that you prayerfully consider making the practice of financial giving a deliberate and ongoing part of your spiritual walk.