


Are You Ready?

Have you come to the place in your spiritual life that you are certain you know the Lord and will be with Him after your life here on earth is over?  If not, please read the following carefully as we walk through how you can become someone who genuinely experiences what it means to live for Christ:


You must understand that, just like every other person alive or who has ever lived, you were born a sinner (someone who does things that are not pleasing to God). You were born with a need that you cannot meet, a need for completion, fulfillment and worth. Only Jesus Christ can meet your need and fill the void that is in everyone’s spiritual life. Romans 3:23 reads, “ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”


It’s important that we all accept the fact that we cannot save ourselves by our own efforts. The Bible makes it very clear that it is not by any good works you or I may have done, but only by God’s mercy that you and I are made right with God. (Titus 3:5 & Ephesians 2:8-9)


You must believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in order to take the punishment for your sins (Romans 5:8). This means that Jesus gave His life so you would never be bound by the guilt and ultimate death that comes from sin and wrong doing. The debt of your sin has been paid by the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Because His blood was shed in an act of sacrifice for you and I, we are cleansed of all sin and no longer separated from God (I John 1:7).


You must put your faith in Jesus Christ and in Him alone. No one else can save you from sin and separation from the God that created you. The death of Christ is of no value to you until you receive Him by faith into your life as your Savior (the One who saved you from a life eternally apart from God) and Lord (the One who is in control of your life and knows what’s best for you).  (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Acts 16:31, I John 1:9)
No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, no matter how far you think you’ve removed yourself from God, He’s right there waiting for you to embrace Him in a life of passion and purpose.  He will forgive you!  Do not let the enemy talk you out of making the most important decision of your life. Pray this prayer now and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord!

If you know you want to make this life change, say this PRAYER from your heart:

God, I realize that I am a sinner, lost, and need to be saved. I know that I cannot save myself. So, right now, I ask you to forgive me from all of my sins. Come into my heart and become Lord of my life. I give you my life and my all – I give you my heart, my thoughts, my actions, and my words. With your help, I will live for You from this day forward. Thank you Jesus, for your amazing sacrifice and the way that you loved me even while I was still a sinner.  Thank you for the way that you love me today! Help me to live for and learn more about You each and everyday. Amen.

Jesus has promised that all who come to Him by faith, believing, will be saved (John 6:37; John 6:47).

Now What?

Did you make a decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior today?  Or maybe you decided to finally go all in and re-dedicate your life to the Lord? LET US KNOW! We want to celebrate with you and encourage you along the way!

Okay, you’ve prayed and invited Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and come into your life. Here are some things that you should do next:

Call someone and tell him or her what you’ve done!

Maybe a friend who has been praying for you or someone that you know that would be excited over your news. If you don’t know someone to tell, call us (469-296-8557).  If we’re not in, leave a message with your phone number, and someone will call you back to celebrate! Or, send us an email so we can contact you.

Dive into The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word.  It’s written by men that were inspired by God to write the things that they did.  It’s a guidebook and a source of knowledge as well as encouragement for all those who follow Christ.  I recommend the New Living Translation to begin your reading, and I also recommend to begin in the book of John. As you read, pray and ask God to help you to understand what you are reading and He will!

Find a Bible-believing church and start attending

We would love to have you attend The Bridge Church, but that is not what is most important. Ask God to lead you to the church that He wants you to attend. Get involved. Volunteer. Start spending time with people who will help you grow in your walk with Christ.

You don’t have to write off old friends

It is true that there are some things that you use to do and places that you use to go that you might not be able to do anymore as a follower of Christ, BUT share what God has done for you in your life with friends you had before making a decision to follow Christ. Watch what God can do through your testimony in their lives too! It may not be easy and you may be rejected at first, but pray and keep being a friend.

Pray and read your Bible regularly

This isn’t a trick to get you to read more books or follow a strict set of rules.  Prayer and reading scripture helps strengthen your relationship with God.  Just like you spend time with your best friend and you take an interest in what they do and have to say, prayer and the reading the Bible work the same way with Christ.